Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

  • Cold Shouldered Day
    Its -8 Deg C outside.

  • Law Day: Murphy's law (from a frustrated techie).
    Every godamned item can get messed up in every godamed way if there is any godamned oppurtunity. Side affects include 20 hr work days!!

  • Racist Day: Overheard (at the coffee machine).
    Asian She: How long have you dated him (Asian He) ?
    American She: Ever since he was pathetically trying to get a beautiful girl friend, for a change!

    If you ask me, the dumb guy got lucky! She had attitude, but damn, was she hot!

  • Leap Day:
    Noticed that today is Leap Day of the Leap Year. No wonder, I was feeling like leaping out of the 15th Floor, without parachutes, during the whole godamned day!