Tuesday, April 22, 2008


XPS 1330 now comes with an upgraded package, more freebies and costs $400 less. Just 4 months difference. WTF!

Walk The Path

Walking the path is different from knowing and planning the path.
Morpheus, you had your job easy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Finishing Line

In a relay race, the person who takes the baton last and crosses the finishing line gets the photo finish!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Someone's Bad Morning

Today, when I entered the car of the underground PATH train in the early morning hustle, I was greeted by the same silence of the morning crowd. A few seconds before the door closed, a fellow Indian traveler dropped his new looking blackberry. Performing amazing acrobatic maneuvers, the device slid from one end of the car, right between my feet to the edge and dropped down on to the tracks beneath!! The owner, calm and collected said he was fine and he would buy another one rather than waste his time in getting out and risk his life in retrieving it from the electrified tracks!

While trying to explain his option of contacting the PATH agent on the platform to retrieve the blackberry, the train left the station. The calm collected gentleman said he was still fine and would return by the next train in opposite direction.

As we all exited on the next stop, I mentioned that the next train is leaving for the opposite direction just across the platform. I advised that he should hurry as it was flashing "Departing" sign. We got out of the train when it halted, and while I climbed the stairs, noticed that the closing bell of the other train rang loud. The fellow traveler was a few steps short of the door!!

Felt sorry for the poor chap. What a horrible way to start the day !

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ethiopian Cuisine

The desire to have dinner in Ethiopian cuisine ended in the docks. Went to one of the top rated and famous restraunts in NY only to find it extremely crowded (what was I thinking!).

Had to make do with SOHO. The only consolation was that the waitress was hot! :) A generous tip [ obviously! ;) ] made it one of the most expensive dinners (for per capita food served).