Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The AXE Effect : The Truth

Scene : I am shopping for an AXE shower gel, wanting "Kilo" fragnance but ending up choosing between "Boost", "Phoenix", "Snake Peel". I am half kneeling on the ground near the corner of the ailse, trying to make a choice.

Enter: In comes an average looking white American brunette, in her mid 20's, in a white T-shirt and blue jeans, humming and stepping to a song playing in the supermarket, with her boy-friend in tow.

Looking at her walk on the ailse (like a rampwalk of a model), I half smiled to myself (amused at the girlishness of the moment) and continued with my quest, with an AXE shower gel in each hand. She saw me see her and half smile but kept on going. The savvy lady, noticed what I was doing and while passing me from behind, passed a comment, "Trust me, it doesn't work!!", and turned into the next ailse!

I walk left wondering, "Did she really tell that to me?!", with my half smile turning into a full one.

AXE, just these words for you. "They know. They also know that we still hope."