Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Win or lose?

Is it better
to put 1000% effort and lose
to put 1% effort and win?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Watching someone play the game is an interesting experience. If you know some theory behind the game, then the analysis kicks in.

This opens a Pandora's box of questions.

Which is the right move? What would I have done? Is he making the right choice? Why would the choice work for him? Is he leading or falling back? Should he correct his form? Would being aggressive work in this situation? Is a change of stance required? What are his assumptions? What is his scoring rate? Why he is right? Why he is wrong?

Even though there is a risk of over-analysing and being over-critical, the fun is in comparing the approach and attitude.

Ah, the fun of being born human! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


XPS 1330 now comes with an upgraded package, more freebies and costs $400 less. Just 4 months difference. WTF!

Walk The Path

Walking the path is different from knowing and planning the path.
Morpheus, you had your job easy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Finishing Line

In a relay race, the person who takes the baton last and crosses the finishing line gets the photo finish!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Someone's Bad Morning

Today, when I entered the car of the underground PATH train in the early morning hustle, I was greeted by the same silence of the morning crowd. A few seconds before the door closed, a fellow Indian traveler dropped his new looking blackberry. Performing amazing acrobatic maneuvers, the device slid from one end of the car, right between my feet to the edge and dropped down on to the tracks beneath!! The owner, calm and collected said he was fine and he would buy another one rather than waste his time in getting out and risk his life in retrieving it from the electrified tracks!

While trying to explain his option of contacting the PATH agent on the platform to retrieve the blackberry, the train left the station. The calm collected gentleman said he was still fine and would return by the next train in opposite direction.

As we all exited on the next stop, I mentioned that the next train is leaving for the opposite direction just across the platform. I advised that he should hurry as it was flashing "Departing" sign. We got out of the train when it halted, and while I climbed the stairs, noticed that the closing bell of the other train rang loud. The fellow traveler was a few steps short of the door!!

Felt sorry for the poor chap. What a horrible way to start the day !

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ethiopian Cuisine

The desire to have dinner in Ethiopian cuisine ended in the docks. Went to one of the top rated and famous restraunts in NY only to find it extremely crowded (what was I thinking!).

Had to make do with SOHO. The only consolation was that the waitress was hot! :) A generous tip [ obviously! ;) ] made it one of the most expensive dinners (for per capita food served).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

10,000 Days Under the Sun & other numbers

  • I will clock 10,000 days of existence on planet Earth.

    10,000 days; 240,000 hours; 14,400,000 minutes; 864,000,000 seconds.

    How quaint!

  • The only other milestone existential event may be somewhere in my 32nd year (if alive), whence I will have lived for a billion seconds.

  • Orkut has numerically doubled the number of scraps and my fans, in my profile header. Was this just to honour the special occasion? Has my popularity now increased? [ :D ]

  • On the 3rd planet of the solar system, in the 3rd Month of the year 2008, in the 33rd post of my 3rd personal blog, on the 9,999th day of my existence, I mark this day.

    Numeroligically, 3 rocks!! [ ;) ]

    Thanks to one of my collegues, who in his celebration of the occasion, reminded me of mine!

    Time flies!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bear's Heavy Tumble

  • Bear & Stearn's black Monday!
    Mar 16, 2007 : $ 145.48 (Last year, about same time)
    Mar 09, 2008 : $ 70.08 (Last week)
    Mar 17, 2008 : $ 4.66 (Today)

  • Indian Rupee
    1 USD : 40.46 INR
    1 EUR : 63.78 INR
    1 GBP : 80.95 INR

  • Sensex
    Jan 08, 2008 : 20,800.0
    Mar 17, 2008 : 14,809.5

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Second Chance

You know life is giving a second chance when:
  • You are late for a meeting and the meeting gets postponed.
  • The subway train door, which closed just on your face, reopens.
  • Procrastination yeilds rewards instead of penalties.
  • An expensive pair of shoes, which you wanted to get rid of due to shoe bites, starts feeling comfortable.
  • You drop your glove absent mindedly and a stranger reminds you to pick it up.
  • You find the 100 $ currency note, in one of your dress pockets, a week after you thought you had lost it.
  • You drop your latte on the busy desk and the lid doesnot come off.
  • You find an email from a long lost friend amongst the junk emails of an old abandoned email account.
  • A taxi stopped short by a couple of inches, when lost in thoughts, you jaywalked on a busy NY street at 2:00 AM!

Monday, March 10, 2008

No thanks Mr. Franklin, Beginner's luck and $$

  • Due to a superb (!?) idea of a historical personality, we are having Day Light Savings time from today. Its a no-brainer. Simply "assume" X+1 Hrs as X Hrs.

  • Played my first pool today. Not only did I pocket a "solid" on my first shot, I went on to win the table 3-1 in a friendly match. Ain't it cool? Naah .... Beginner's luck!.

  • I played my part in financing Uncle Sam. My hard-earned $$.
    [:'( ]


  • Punjabi She: Yes, bhai, you have hit the head on the nail!

    Yeah right ... more like nailed the coffin lid on English grammar!!
  • Punjabi She (loudly on phone with her sis): When were you born? Aug 83 or Jul 84? .. What? How am I supposed to know? You you were the one who was born. Get the details, there are thousands of people waiting here for some time.

    Yeah right ... tax filing or taxing my nerves!!
  • He: I was up working late. I saw my comp and realized t'was 2:30 AM !

    Yeah right ... Time traveller!!
  • He 1: So you are out on a date?
    He 2: Who goes out for date on a Sunday afternoon!?
    He 1: Hey, I meant don't you just go out for lunch or something?!

    Yeah right .... [shaking head silently].
  • He 1: That's Rakhi Sawant.
    He 2: No, thats Laura Dutta.
    He 1: They all look alike!

    Yeah right .... Equality amongst celebrities!!
  • He 1: Ah, I ran and got the cash. Now no trouble with cards!

    Yeah right .... Next is barter system!!

"Punjabi She" ... nothing racial. Just fact.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Yesterday was the fastest scramble, ever.

4:30 AM : Sleep.
8:24 AM : Wakeup.
8:37 AM : Ready and stepped out for work after completing the pre-requisites.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


The history is trying to repeat itself again. Seeing the very first signs of the storm. Rough seas ahead.

Who's in for the ride?

Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

  • Cold Shouldered Day
    Its -8 Deg C outside.

  • Law Day: Murphy's law (from a frustrated techie).
    Every godamned item can get messed up in every godamed way if there is any godamned oppurtunity. Side affects include 20 hr work days!!

  • Racist Day: Overheard (at the coffee machine).
    Asian She: How long have you dated him (Asian He) ?
    American She: Ever since he was pathetically trying to get a beautiful girl friend, for a change!

    If you ask me, the dumb guy got lucky! She had attitude, but damn, was she hot!

  • Leap Day:
    Noticed that today is Leap Day of the Leap Year. No wonder, I was feeling like leaping out of the 15th Floor, without parachutes, during the whole godamned day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tag - Know your alphabets

Tagged, for the first time ever.

A - Available?
Anytime for Adventure sports.

B – Best Friend:
I can quote one who is not .. I am one of my worst enemies.

C – Cake or Pie?
Cake. Pie is messy.

D – Drink of Choice:
Hot Coffee.

E – Essential thing used every day:
Laptop. If I think, then brain.

F – Favourite Colour:

G – Gummi Bears or Worms:
If the question is of like, then Su-37 Terminator

H – Hometown:

I – Indulgence:

J – January or February:
January - I like "Firsts". There is no room for seconds.

K – Kids and Names:
Kids are cute. Dislike long names.

L – Life:
Life is a roller coaster.

M – Marriage:
Anavoidable question which is avoidable for now.

N – Number of siblings:
One ........... But boy, does that one make it count!

O – Oranges or Apples:

P – Phobia:
Phobophobia. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Q – Quote:
To love when it can be lost,
To go on when progress seems futile,
To believe in every fibre of your body,
To live,
To hope,
And NEVER give in.

R - Reason to Smile:

Another smile. Or success.

S – Season:
Spring. Just love it when life blossoms.

T – Tag three people:
Learnt that few people have the ability to give the finest "Go to Hell" "No"s. So, none. :)

U – Unknown fact about me:
If told, will no longer remain unknown! ;)

V – Vegetable you do not like:
Veggies have few options!

W – Worst Habit:

People who know me well, know well my vices too! Damned if I tell, damned if I don't.

X-rays you have had:
Revealed my strengths (bones!)

Y – Your favourite food:
Bisibele bath

Z – Zodiac:
Scorpio: In Heart, mind and soul.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Simple Equation

If -> denotes interaction, and A -> B and B -> C, then A -> C implies A subordinates B.

where A, B, C = anything

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The Irony of it was hilarious.

I have an Infy Titan Watch (courtesy of Billion Dollar celebration circa 2004). The leather strap had come loose a couple of months back. Without a device to measure time, I was left with the hardship of fishing out my mobile from my hipster to see time. Remind you, that means removing the glove in negitive celsius temperature with wind chill. The option of getting another watch was dismissed as I perfer not having a "step-watch". But looking at the half strapped watch lying next to my wallet every morning, did not help ease my time management.

Finally, after making it through my to-do list, the day arrived when all final ingredients were in place for me to "save my time and effort" in looking "for time". I was trying to loop the strap by dislodging the spring loaded restrictor (Please pardon my self terminology) with the watch angled down.

At that moment, two incidents occured, leading me to wonder about what destiny has in store for me.

Incident 1: The dormant restrictor sprung in the other direction leading me in a half hour quest in retrieving it. I was fortunate to hear the sound on its rebound from the blinds thereby restricting my probability search to that part of the carpeted bedroom. Wierd.

Incident 2: After spending another half hour in aligning, super gluing and replacing the restrictor ( Phew! ), I noticed that the time was still in DST. While changing the setting with just 3 button punches, the battery gave out! What horrible bad timing! Wierder still.

The irony of the whole situation was that I wasted one hour of my time trying to save time and ended up in still losing the time I was trying to save and the watch itself!

The AXE Effect : The Truth

Scene : I am shopping for an AXE shower gel, wanting "Kilo" fragnance but ending up choosing between "Boost", "Phoenix", "Snake Peel". I am half kneeling on the ground near the corner of the ailse, trying to make a choice.

Enter: In comes an average looking white American brunette, in her mid 20's, in a white T-shirt and blue jeans, humming and stepping to a song playing in the supermarket, with her boy-friend in tow.

Looking at her walk on the ailse (like a rampwalk of a model), I half smiled to myself (amused at the girlishness of the moment) and continued with my quest, with an AXE shower gel in each hand. She saw me see her and half smile but kept on going. The savvy lady, noticed what I was doing and while passing me from behind, passed a comment, "Trust me, it doesn't work!!", and turned into the next ailse!

I walk left wondering, "Did she really tell that to me?!", with my half smile turning into a full one.

AXE, just these words for you. "They know. They also know that we still hope."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Static Electricity

Wearing ear phones without insulation ( the plastic cups or sponge ) + lying in bed on an artificial fur blanket on a cold winter morning/afternoon + browsing on laptop with ear phones + snuggling in bed = Static Electricity discharge in ears!!

Its hilarious, ticklish and downright lazy!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Frozen Grand Central

Imagine what would happen if 207 people frozen in their tracks in a railway station?

One such incident at Grand Central, Subway station in New York.
Kudos to the originality of the idea!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The PC Man

PC Man retired officially on Jan 8, 2008.
End of a reign spanning more than 3 decades.

Good bye, Mr. Chairman of Microsoft.